Well Wishes For Stefan

This blog is made available so that the friends and family of Stefan can get updates as close to real-time as possible and leave comments and funnies for Stefan to read at his leisure.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Good Times with Jimmy Buffet Music

I will let these pictures tell the story, but they were supplied by a friend on the Visteon contract and should allow for some memories of spending time together in Florida whilst on a site survey at one of the Visteon sites there. I think it took three hours by boat by they did not end up on Giligan's Island although some of the folks below could be directly from that show.

Stefan and his first love, Jamie....not the Boat.

Good Thing the Railing is in Place...otherwise I might be swimming with the Dolphins.

A Beautiful Sunset with which Jimmy Buffet music made for a great time.

What A Catch - Stefan took this using his Visteon Camera. Did I open an RFS for this animal?

Be careful with young ladies like these on those trips to the everglades and other places in Florida.

Is this what they mean by 'throw another shrimp on the barbie?'

When I grow up I want to live here all the time. Okay...maybe Jamie will let me take it out of the docks occassionally

Ai Ai Captain. The Beer {Root} is cold enough!!!

Always a lighthouse to guide the way.

Are we sure we know how to do this? I have never been off of the solid ground before. I want to get back to my office in Dearborn. Please get me home. I think that Dave was prep'ing for Italy where he can go play all the time. We miss him.

Jamie snuck out to meet her sailor man whilst Stefan was on the boat having fun with Dave Mc and Bob.

Jamie got lucky again whilst Stefan was busy with the boys. Just the kind of date we all need. One that does not talk back.

In the end Jamie comes back to her true love. Is that because he has better wheels than those stiffs in the other pictures?

Beautiful supportive wife - Best Catch Stefan ever got!

Good Times Laughing Together

Friday, May 26, 2006

Captain Stefan

Hey Captain, Getting all the updates from Jamie so I know better how you are doing as before, when we were talking mostly about Slo.... (stop I don't want to mention this word) or about Vic.... (hups , that is the other one I don't want to mention). It's really a shame, that it would took a couple of hours to see you in Detroit. But I fear even if I would make it, your bodyguard would not let me in, because I've got my spring time flu. Anyway - I hope you are doing well and my thoughts ( and the ones from your friends in Germany and Europe) are with you. When I'm in Detroit the next time I'll expect a long trip on lake St. Clair, tasty snacks and a lot of full and empty bottles ;-). Cheers Ludger

Thursday, May 25, 2006

25 May Update

Hello Everyone,

I know it has been a couple of days since you heard
from me, so I thought it was best to send you guys an
update before my cell phone starts ringing off the
hook again! Stefan went into the hospital on Tuesday
for his chemo treatment and was sent home yesterday
afternoon. It was relatively uneventful (which is a
good thing). So far, the worst side effect he has is
fatigue. He gets tired very quickly and needs a lot
of sleep. Please, if you visit with him in person or
by phone, try to be aware of any clues he may give
that he is tired. He is not talking very much right
now anyway while he heals.

Did I tell you they removed the trach tube on Monday?
It is good news but it takes a lot of effort for him
to speak until the wound heals. The doctors said it
would take 7-10 days for that heal. Several people
are able to stay in contact with Stefan or send short
messages through text messaging to his cell phone.

Now that his chemo treatment has started, we have
received some new "rules":

He is not to be in the general public, or in large
groups. We will be playing that safe and try to be in
much smaller groups.

He is not to be exposed to children under 12, cut
flowers, fresh fruits or vegetables.

Nobody should be around him if they even suspect they
may have something (like a cold or the flu). I am
going to set up a table by our front door with
antibacterial hand cleaner (suggestion from a family
member who has received chemo). When people come in,
they can use that to clean their hands before
visiting. Please, no kisses to greet Stefan.
Handshakes are much better for him right now
(especially right after you use the antibacterial hand
cleaner). I think that is all...

Thanks for the encouragement and support.


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